Direct Response Industry Blog keying on direct marketing and its ability to be tangible, personable, and measurbable.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

To Make Improvements You Need to Test!

To make improvements you need to test. Test only the big impact items. Design the tests to be statistically valid. Tests, which we suggest, are:

Titles and tag lines
Timing – Lead Time
Copy benefits
Creative design and Media
Package design (self mailer, post cards, envelopes, brochure, catalog)
Offer (discounts, premiums, terms, payment)
Price Point
Re-mail tactics

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Quote of the Day

Winston Churchill said, “The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.”

List Selection Important for Prospecting

Lists are an important element in any mailing. The following questions are important in developing the best mailing lists:

1) Do you know as much about the names you are renting as your house files?
2) How much do you know about your house files?
3) Which lists work well for what offer or program?
4) Are you capturing key codes and doing back end analysis to get information for future mailings?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

First Post

The great news on the direct response industry is that its marketing can be tracked and is measurable. In this day and age of determining ROI being able to analyze the metrics on a campaign is a key to success.